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A free resource containing Documentation and Workflows for Brushify in Unreal Engine

Nanite Displacement & Runtime Virtual Textures

If you've tried to use Runtime Virtual Textures and Nanite, then you've definitely come across a common issue where the landscape completely flattens itself.

To address this issue, follow these steps:

1. Create a new RVT Texture, name it "VT_Displacement", open it and set the "Virtual Texture Content" to "Displacement".

Double click your Displacement Virtual Texture to get to this menu
Double click your Displacement Virtual Texture to get to this menu

2. Open "MF_RVT_Blending", create a new "Runtime Virtual Texture Sample" node and add the new displacement texture into it, then also set the "Virtual Texture Content" to "Displacement" on the "Runtime Virtual Texture Sample" node.

3. Connect the new Runtime Virtual Texture Samples "Displacement" output into the "SetMaterialAttributes" Displacement input, this node is located at the top centre of the material function.

If you do not see the Displacement Input or Output, select the node in question, press the "+" Icon and add the Displacement channel manually.
If you do not see the Displacement Input or Output, select the node in question, press the "+" Icon and add the Displacement channel manually.

4. Open "MF_RVT_Landscape" and select the "GetMaterialAttributes" node, then within the details panel, press the "+" icon and set the new output to "Displacement". Grab the new displacement output and connect it to the "MakeMaterialAttributes" displacements input.

5. Make sure you have "Enable Tessellation" checked within "M_Landscape", then still remaining in the "M_Landscape" master material, select the "GetMaterialAttributes" node, and within the details panel, press the "+" icon and connect the new output to "Displacement".

6. Connect both the output and input of the "Displacement" channel together and save everything.

7. Check to see if everything is working, you can adjust the global displacement's strength within the master node located in "M_Landscape" at the very end of the shader, under Displacement, you'll be able to control the magnitude of the displacement.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you plan on repainting a certain area, then disable Nanite first, otherwise your editor will crash.

Once you've completed all these steps, Nanite will be tessellated and your RVT will be blending.

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